When facing serious charges, such as murder charges, it’s imperative that you understand all of your legal defense options. There are tactics you can use, regardless of the situation. Your future hangs in the balance, so you need to know what steps to take. Every case...
Photo of Mark B. Arthur
When The Charges Are Serious, Turn To A
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Month: August 2024
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Young people may admit to crimes they didn’t commit
How often have you heard the phrase, "If they confessed to the crime, they must be guilty"? After all, who would confess to a crime they didn't commit? The answer is a lot of people, especially if they are teenagers or young adults. Here’s what you should know: The...
The importance of exercising your Fifth Amendment rights
The majority of people have heard the phrase “pleading the Fifth''. Essentially, this means staying quiet when asked a question. The phrase comes from a constitutional right to remain silent, enshrined in the Fifth Amendment. Those under suspicion or accused of a...