Weapons charges are very serious. However, like all charges, guilt must be established beyond reasonable doubt for a conviction. If you have been charged with a weapons offense in Virginia, several defense options may be available. Here are some important points to...
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These gun use habits can land you in jail
Firearms are a staple of American culture, but their misuse can have disastrous consequences. Reckless handling of firearms is a grave violation with significant consequences, such as fines and jail time. What exactly constitutes reckless behavior? The law takes the...
4 times your weapon could cause you trouble with the law
If you are a weapons owner in Virginia, you understand that there are strict regulations and legal requirements surrounding firearm possession and use, which could potentially lead to trouble with the law if not adhered to diligently. While you might legally own a...
Virginia’s gun laws: What could be on the horizon?
The Old Dominion's firearm landscape is facing a major shakeup. The 2024 legislative session has seen a flurry of new weapons laws proposed, leaving gun owners, advocates and lawmakers locked in a heated debate. Below is a short dive into the potential changes that...
3 exceptions to concealed weapons rules in Virginia
In general, it is a violation of the law to conceal a dangerous weapon on one's person while in public spaces. Virginia lists an assortment of weapons, ranging from daggers and firearms to nunchucks that people cannot carry in a concealed manner in public. Weapons...
What are the most common firearm possession charges in Virginia?
Virginia has strict laws regarding firearm possession, including various charges associated with illegal firearm activities. The state’s firearm possession charges carry significant legal consequences and penalties. Understanding these charges and their severity is...
Are silencers or suppressors illegal under Virginia law?
In a movie or television show, when someone uses a silencer on their firearm, the resulting discharge of the weapon will be so quiet that people in the next apartment over can't hear anything. The depiction of such technology in the media and the use of the term...
What types of weapons (other than guns) are illegal in Virginia?
When most people hear about weapons offenses, they often immediately think about guns. Firearms aren't the only type of weapon, and certainly not the only one that government officials regulate. It can be helpful to understand what constitutes a weapon here in...
Are firearms allowed on college campuses?
At most colleges, there is a rule that only specific individuals, such as licensed law enforcement agents, can carry guns. This is a way of trying to ensure a safe atmosphere for young people who are uniquely vulnerable. Campuses, therefore, are usually a type of...
Does Virginia limit what kinds of knives you can own?
Many people in Virginia enjoy outdoor hobbies like hiking, hunting and fishing. The state also is home to thousands of blue collar workers in careers ranging from carpet installation to warehouse work. Whether you have a knife for your hobby of mushrooming or your job...