When accidents happen, especially those due to recklessness, lead to loss of life, they may result in involuntary manslaughter charges for the person at fault. A conviction could lead to lengthy imprisonment, charges and damage to one’s reputation. If you are charged...
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Lynchburg Criminal Defense Blog
Jail time often increases reoffending rates
Proponents of long jail sentences often say that time behind bars should serve as a deterrent. Someone who has committed a crime must serve their time, not just as punishment, but also to demonstrate the ramifications of their actions and make them less likely to...
When does an alibi work as a defense?
One potential defense to criminal charges is offering an alibi. Essentially, the defendant claims they couldn’t have committed the crime in question. They don’t deny that the crime occurred but assert that they were in another location at the time, making it...
These gun use habits can land you in jail
Firearms are a staple of American culture, but their misuse can have disastrous consequences. Reckless handling of firearms is a grave violation with significant consequences, such as fines and jail time. What exactly constitutes reckless behavior? The law takes the...
3 things drivers should know about field sobriety tests
There are many ways for police officers to justify a drunk driving arrest. Frequently, chemical testing plays a key part in the case against an allegedly drunk driver. However, field sobriety testing is also an important law enforcement tool. Many motorists only have...
Racial profiling in police lineups can undermine justice
In the U.S. criminal justice system, police lineups help eyewitnesses identify suspects based on visual recognition. However, racial profiling can heavily bias this process, leading to wrongful convictions, shattered lives and long-lasting social consequences. ...
Your right to remain silent may not mean being quiet
You need to know your rights so you can exercise them appropriately. When interacting with the police, perhaps when stopped or during questioning, you can invoke your right to remain silent. However, this may not mean staying quiet. Here is what you need to know:...
Being under the legal limit doesn’t prevent a DUI
Many people believe that they can avoid DUI charges if they simply don’t go over the legal limit. For the majority of drivers, this limit has been set at a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08%. So, if someone just had one drink and had a BAC of 0.03%, they may think...
What is probable cause in DUI cases?
Drunk driving accidents cause thousands of fatalities every year in the U.S. Addressing this issue is a top priority for government authorities and local police forces. One way that the police tackle drunk driving is to pull vehicles over if they have a reasonable...
What leads to voluntary manslaughter charges in Virginia?
Many of the most serious charges prosecuted in Virginia specifically relate to violence against other people. Police officers can arrest anyone accused of physically harming another person. The charges depend on the details of the incident, including the intent behind...