For non-violent drug offenders, jail time is not always necessary. Some of them will be allowed to use the drug court program. This is a specific program that has been established for these users, and it handles the ramifications of being arrested for something like...
Photo of Mark B. Arthur
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Month: March 2023
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Can you be charged for drugs that aren’t yours?
Drug crimes have serious consequences. Virginia's code § 18.2-250 states it's unlawful to knowingly possess drugs unless the substance was obtained from or with a valid prescription of a practitioner while acting within their professional capacity or following an...
3 mistakes to avoid after a DUI arrest
Being stopped by the police for driving under the influence (DUI) can be confusing, as many activities occur at a go. For this reason, you need to pay attention to everything that happens when you are stopped, and your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the...