For those in Lynchburg looking to drink responsibly, a night of drinking likely ends with a ride home on a bus or in a taxi. The logic behind this assumption no doubt comes from people surmising that does hired specifically to transport others would not knowingly...
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Month: March 2017
Is your child facing drug possession charges?
As a parent, you know how your heart stops when you get potentially life-changing news about your child. Finding out about drug charges given to your child is certainly better than some news you might get, but it still requires swift action. Each minute that you wait...
What is the horizontal gaze nystagmus test?
Have you ever wondered what really happens when a police officer suspects that you or another driver may be intoxicated? Just how does an officer gather what is considered to be evidence to support making an arrest for imparied driving? One of the things that you may...
Defining sexual abuse in Virginia
Like many of those attending any of the institutions of higher learning in or around Lynchburg, you likely enjoy the student social scene. Oftentimes, your interactions may present opportunities for you to become intimate with another. While romantic relationships...
Understanding mislaid property laws
We here at PC often notice that many of those who end up facing criminal charges rarely set out to break any laws. Rather, a simple unfamiliarity with what the law may be in some cases is typically what lands them in hot water. If you have...