Driving while intoxicated (DWI) convictions can lead to a variety of different penalties. Judges may sentence people to incarceration or probation. Large fines are often a mandatory penalty. Many people lose their driver's license over a DUI offense. There are other...
Photo of Mark B. Arthur
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Month: November 2023
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Understanding the criminal consequences of hazing in Virginia
News stories about young people who have died as the result of hazing incidents in college – most of them young men – have seemingly become more common in recent years. Some have been here in Virginia. Many states, including ours, have enacted hazing laws to try to...
What are drug schedules and how do they affect criminal charges?
Not all drug charges are alike. There are all kinds of factors that have to be considered when someone is charged with a drug crime – including the type of drug or drugs involved. The government has divided all drugs into “schedules” according to their known medical...