Facing criminal charges, especially in your youth, can lower your quality of life. For example, you may find it hard to land employment or miss out on further education opportunities because of your criminal record. Therefore, you need to take your charges very...
Photo of Mark B. Arthur
When The Charges Are Serious, Turn To A
Lawyer You Can Trust
Free consultations
for criminal cases
Month: January 2022
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Must police show driving impairment for a DUI conviction?
When a police officer originally pulled you over, perhaps the issue was a problem with your brake lights or that you just didn't use your turn signal. However, after you admitted that you had had one or two drinks with your dinner, they asked you to step out of the...
Criminal charges can affect the whole family
Of course, being accused of a criminal offense impacts the person facing the charges directly. However, it is important to consider the wider impacts on the family, particularly if the accused is a juvenile. Criminal charges and convictions can be detrimental not...