Committing a crime will obviously have consequences if caught. Yet, what some people do not realize is that merely planning to commit a crime could also lead to criminal charges in some cases. Conspiracy to commit a crime is a criminal charge the prosecution may bring...
Photo of Mark B. Arthur
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Month: May 2024
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Know your rights: Staying silent during a DUI stop in Virginia
Getting pulled over at a DUI stop can be an intimidating encounter. It might feel natural to answer the officer’s questions openly and honestly, hoping to explain the situation. However, if you are a U.S. citizen, you have the right to remain silent. This right...
Why does crime go up in the summer?
Every summer, crime rates tend to trend upward. Crime gets to become more common, the police make more arrests, and then the crime rate declines again in the fall. This trend is consistent, so it’s clearly something that is happening for a reason, but what is the...