Over any given holiday period it seems that people in Virginia hear plenty about drunk driving checkpoints that may be setup as well as additional patrols set up to scout for potential drunk drivers. Certainly everyone in the area would agree that public safety is important but also important is the protection of every driver’s rights. Drunk driving can be a danger on the roads but it is far from the only risk that motorists and pedestrians face every day.
The recent Fourth of July holiday saw Virginia State Police step up enforcement and in the matter of only 48 hours, they managed to arrest and charge 42 people with driving under the influence charges according to the Bristol Herald Courier.
No details were given as to how many of those arrests may have been for alleged impairment due to alcohol and how many may have been for alleged impairment due to drugs. Also unknown is whether or not vehicle accidents were involved in any of those arrests.
Interestingly more people across the state were cited for child restraint violations than were arrested for drunk or drugged driving and far more people were cited for reckless driving or for speeding. People who are facing DUI charges may find it helpful to talk with an attorney to understand how they may protect their rights and receive fair treatment and a fair defense. This fair treatment also includes ensuring that the investigation and arrest process were conducted properly including that all tests were administered according to guidelines.