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When The Charges Are Serious, Turn To A

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Keeping alcohol consumption from hindering your education

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2019 | Drunk Driving

When you are preparing to begin attending college in Virginia, you may have never considered the impact that socializing, partying and having a good time would potentially have on your educational experience. At Mark B. Arthur Attorney at Law, we are committed to helping people who may be facing criminal charges. 

For many people, one of the most memorable parts of their college experience are the parties they went to and the people they met. In fact, some of the people you meet while going to college could become some of your lifelong friends. However, spending too much time socializing or becoming involved in excessive drinking can put your education at risk if you wind up in trouble. Fortunately, if you do find yourself facing a criminal charge, there are resources that you can use to overcome your mistake and move beyond your past to achieve your goals. 

One of the hazards of your decision to drink may be the temptation to drive afterward if you need to get home. Not only does this decision compromise your own safety, but it also puts the lives of others around you at risk if you end up crashing your vehicle. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are other risks that you are subject to if you binge drink regularly. These include the following:

  • Difficulty focusing on your schoolwork.
  • A vulnerability that could put you at risk of assault.
  • Health problems stemming from your consistent alcohol use.
  • A heightened chance of becoming involved in criminal activity.

When you are aware of the consequences that may result from your use of alcohol on a consistent basis, you may be better able to make responsible decisions about your consumption so you can avoid putting yourself at risk. For more information, if you have been charged with DUI, visit our web page. 


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